Ecommerce Business Failure Rate at 90% After 120 Days – How to Avoid It With Your Business

Written by Wilson Ooi

On November 11, 2020

In the rapidly evolving landscape of packaging, businesses are increasingly turning to web-to-print solutions to meet their diverse needs. BungkusGo, a prominent player in this space, exemplifies the transformative power of web-to-print technology. Specializing in customizable, eco-friendly packaging for the food and beverage industry, BungkusGo has successfully integrated digital innovation with traditional printing methods to offer superior services to its clients.

The Power of Web-to-Print Technology at BungkusGo

Customizable Packaging Solutions

BungkusGo leverages web-to-print technology to offer a vast array of customizable packaging options. Their platform allows businesses to design and personalize packaging materials such as paper cups, lunch boxes, and bowls. Users can select from pre-designed templates or upload their unique artwork, ensuring their brand is prominently displayed on high-quality packaging.

User-Friendly Online Platform

Central to BungkusGo’s service is their intuitive web-to-print technology platform. This digital tool is designed to be user-friendly, enabling customers to navigate the design and ordering process with ease. Features like real-time design previews and an accessible interface across multiple devices, including desktops and smartphones, make the experience seamless and efficient.

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

Key Features of BungkusGo’s Web-to-Print Technology Service

  1. Extensive Product Range

BungkusGo offers a comprehensive selection of packaging products, catering to various business needs. This extensive range ensures that companies can find the perfect packaging solutions tailored to their specific requirements.

  1. High-Quality Printing

Utilizing advanced printing technology, BungkusGo guarantees high-resolution, vibrant print quality on all packaging products. This attention to detail ensures that brand logos and designs are displayed crisply and professionally.

  1. User-Friendly Online Platform

BungkusGo’s web-to-print platform is designed for ease of use, allowing customers to design and order their packaging online with minimal effort. The platform offers features like real-time proofing and professional design assistance to ensure that the final product meets client expectations.

  1. Secure Payment Options

BungkusGo offers multiple secure payment options, providing customers with peace of mind when making transactions online. This feature supports various payment methods, catering to diverse business preferences.

  1. Custom Order Quantities

Unlike traditional printing services that may require large minimum order quantities, BungkusGo allows customers to order in smaller, more flexible quantities. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for small businesses or those testing new packaging designs.

Benefits of Using BungkusGo’s Web-to-Print Technology Services

  1. Brand Consistency

By offering customizable packaging solutions, BungkusGo enables businesses to maintain consistent branding across all packaging materials. This uniformity enhances brand recognition and customer loyalty.

  1. Scalability

BungkusGo’s flexible order quantities allow businesses to scale their packaging needs according to demand. This adaptability helps manage costs effectively, especially during periods of fluctuating sales.

  1. Market Responsiveness

The fast turnaround times offered by BungkusGo enable businesses to respond quickly to market trends and consumer preferences. This agility allows companies to introduce new products or update packaging designs rapidly.

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience

High-quality, attractive packaging enhances the overall customer experience. With BungkusGo’s professional printing and durable materials, businesses can impress customers with premium packaging that reflects the quality of the product inside.

  1. Operational Efficiency

By automating the design and ordering process, BungkusGo reduces the administrative burden on businesses. This efficiency frees up resources and time, allowing companies to focus on core activities such as marketing and product development.

  1. Cost Savings

The ability to order custom quantities and reduce waste due to precise ordering leads to significant cost savings. Additionally, streamlined processes and reduced manual labor contribute to lower operational costs.

Integrate Your Printing Business With Web-to-Print

Our Web-to-Print eCommerce Solutions with the designer studio, order management & many more features enable your print job to be accomplished faster and easier.


BungkusGo’s adoption of web-to-print technology has significantly enhanced its service offerings, making it a leader in the customizable packaging industry. The company’s commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction is evident through its innovative platform and diverse product range. Businesses looking to streamline their packaging processes, achieve brand consistency, and meet sustainability goals can greatly benefit from BungkusGo’s web-to-print solutions. As BungkusGo continues to innovate and expand, it remains a trusted partner for all packaging needs, delivering exceptional value and convenience to its clients.

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The success and failure rates of brick and mortar small businesses have been well documented. But how do ecommerce startups fare?

According to a new survey by MarketingSignals, the failure rate stands at 90% after 120 days or almost four months.

This, of course, is much direr than physical stores. The Small Business Administration (SBA) puts the survival rate of the first year for new businesses at 78%. So, only 22% fail the first year. However, the failure rate goes up to around half of all businesses in the fifth year. Still, it is not as bad as the number for ecommerce businesses.

why your ecommerce failure

MarketingSignals used the data from a survey it carried out with 1,253 owners of failed startups in the UK for the report. It also used many other sources including Forbes and Huff Post. And the preliminary findings reveal two main reasons why they are failing so early in their entrepreneurial venture.

The failures are attributed to, “Poor online marketing performance coupled with an overall lack of search engine visibility.”

These reasons pinpoint two critically important aspects of an ecommerce business. An online business needs to be visible, and this requires marketing which delivers.

If people don’t know you exist, they can’t shop in your online store. And for most of the people who start an online venture, the investment in marketing and search engine visibility is not as robust as it should be.

As Gareth Hoyle, managing director at MarketingSignals, said in the emailed release, “… It’s incredibly important that business owners put provisions firmly in place well before launching – this must include bulletproof search visibility and online marketing strategy, as well as ensuring there is a market for their product offering.”

The Reasons Why Ecommerce Fails

More than two-thirds of the respondents or 37% failed because they weren’t able to compete or deliver online marketing. Almost the same number or 35% suffered the same fate because of lack of online visibility.

Rounding up the top five reasons are too small to compete (35%), running out of cash (32%), and price and cost issues (29%).

The top ten reasons why e-commerce startups end in failure:

  1. Poor online marketing – 37%
  2. Lack of online search visibility – 35%
  3. Little to no market for their products or services – 35%
  4. Running out of cash – 32%
  5. Price and costing issues – 29%
  6. Got outcompeted – 23%
  7. Retail giants dominating a large share of the market – 19%
  8. Lack customer service – 16%
  9. Poor team around them – 14%
  10. Product mistiming – 11%

What to Do

Unlike a physical store on the street which can get foot traffic by its mere presence, the same can’t be said for an online store. This is why it is so important to listen to what Hoyle says.

Without a targeted and strategic approach to digital marketing, only your friends and family are going to know the address of your ecommerce site.

Hoyle goes on to say, “Many tools can be used to increase their [businesses] brand awareness and search visibility in their first few days and weeks, where consumer trust and loyalty hasn’t yet been established.”

Finding these tools as well as online marketing agencies which perform these services is absolutely essential. The growth doesn’t happen overnight, and most people aren’t quite ready for the amount of time it takes for their ecommerce business to achieve success.


If you interest in making an e-commerce website, just email me to [email protected] and I’ll get back to you to discuss. You also can look and play around with our e-commerce demo.

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