6 Key Differences – Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting (2020 Guide)

Written by Zafri Samad

On May 2, 2020

In the rapidly evolving landscape of packaging, businesses are increasingly turning to web-to-print solutions to meet their diverse needs. BungkusGo, a prominent player in this space, exemplifies the transformative power of web-to-print technology. Specializing in customizable, eco-friendly packaging for the food and beverage industry, BungkusGo has successfully integrated digital innovation with traditional printing methods to offer superior services to its clients.

The Power of Web-to-Print Technology at BungkusGo

Customizable Packaging Solutions

BungkusGo leverages web-to-print technology to offer a vast array of customizable packaging options. Their platform allows businesses to design and personalize packaging materials such as paper cups, lunch boxes, and bowls. Users can select from pre-designed templates or upload their unique artwork, ensuring their brand is prominently displayed on high-quality packaging.

User-Friendly Online Platform

Central to BungkusGo’s service is their intuitive web-to-print technology platform. This digital tool is designed to be user-friendly, enabling customers to navigate the design and ordering process with ease. Features like real-time design previews and an accessible interface across multiple devices, including desktops and smartphones, make the experience seamless and efficient.

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

Key Features of BungkusGo’s Web-to-Print Technology Service

  1. Extensive Product Range

BungkusGo offers a comprehensive selection of packaging products, catering to various business needs. This extensive range ensures that companies can find the perfect packaging solutions tailored to their specific requirements.

  1. High-Quality Printing

Utilizing advanced printing technology, BungkusGo guarantees high-resolution, vibrant print quality on all packaging products. This attention to detail ensures that brand logos and designs are displayed crisply and professionally.

  1. User-Friendly Online Platform

BungkusGo’s web-to-print platform is designed for ease of use, allowing customers to design and order their packaging online with minimal effort. The platform offers features like real-time proofing and professional design assistance to ensure that the final product meets client expectations.

  1. Secure Payment Options

BungkusGo offers multiple secure payment options, providing customers with peace of mind when making transactions online. This feature supports various payment methods, catering to diverse business preferences.

  1. Custom Order Quantities

Unlike traditional printing services that may require large minimum order quantities, BungkusGo allows customers to order in smaller, more flexible quantities. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for small businesses or those testing new packaging designs.

Benefits of Using BungkusGo’s Web-to-Print Technology Services

  1. Brand Consistency

By offering customizable packaging solutions, BungkusGo enables businesses to maintain consistent branding across all packaging materials. This uniformity enhances brand recognition and customer loyalty.

  1. Scalability

BungkusGo’s flexible order quantities allow businesses to scale their packaging needs according to demand. This adaptability helps manage costs effectively, especially during periods of fluctuating sales.

  1. Market Responsiveness

The fast turnaround times offered by BungkusGo enable businesses to respond quickly to market trends and consumer preferences. This agility allows companies to introduce new products or update packaging designs rapidly.

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience

High-quality, attractive packaging enhances the overall customer experience. With BungkusGo’s professional printing and durable materials, businesses can impress customers with premium packaging that reflects the quality of the product inside.

  1. Operational Efficiency

By automating the design and ordering process, BungkusGo reduces the administrative burden on businesses. This efficiency frees up resources and time, allowing companies to focus on core activities such as marketing and product development.

  1. Cost Savings

The ability to order custom quantities and reduce waste due to precise ordering leads to significant cost savings. Additionally, streamlined processes and reduced manual labor contribute to lower operational costs.

Integrate Your Printing Business With Web-to-Print

Our Web-to-Print eCommerce Solutions with the designer studio, order management & many more features enable your print job to be accomplished faster and easier.


BungkusGo’s adoption of web-to-print technology has significantly enhanced its service offerings, making it a leader in the customizable packaging industry. The company’s commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction is evident through its innovative platform and diverse product range. Businesses looking to streamline their packaging processes, achieve brand consistency, and meet sustainability goals can greatly benefit from BungkusGo’s web-to-print solutions. As BungkusGo continues to innovate and expand, it remains a trusted partner for all packaging needs, delivering exceptional value and convenience to its clients.

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The shared hosting vs VPS hosting comparison is similar to smartphone data plans. Let’s say, shared hosting is liked when a family is using a shared data plan among themselves. However, not all of the family members using the same amount of data plan. Maybe a brother will use more than any other member of his family int that month.

Now let us jump to VPS hosting understanding. VPS hosting is like you using individual data plan, not shared with other people. You can adjust how much data you wanted according to your needs.

In those short explanation, now you understand the differences between those two hosting. Selecting the right hosting for your business is quite tough. You need to confirm several factors for the right choice, including resource needs, performance demands, security requirements, cost constraints, server administration preferences, and stability expectations.

But don’t you worry, we will explain more about shared hosting vs VPS hosting in the section below.

The Difference Between Shared and VPS Hosting

For easy understanding, shared hosting means you are sharing the same server with other sites. Usually, it is the cheapest option but comes with limited bandwidth, administration, and performance capabilities. VPS hosting is a more premium option, with the ability for greater customization and increased performance. However, using premium service need to invest a lot to get better services. So, right now we will share the key point to consider before selecting between shared and VPS hosting.

1. Server Resources

Shared hosting customers share server resources, whereas dedicated hosting users get a server dedicated to their sites’ needs. Meanwhile, VPS hosting lies in the middle of the grey area. When using shared hosting, you will face some limitations while using it. While no single account will impact another’s experience, there still will be maximum available CPUs, memory/RAM, and disk space. This hosting having maximum resources that allowed users to used it. There will be trouble if your website required a lot of space or processing power beyond the limitation. With VPS hosting, you’ll enjoy greater private disk space and higher overall resource availability. This will be necessary if you want to expand your business and need to offer customers a user experience that goes beyond the basic shared hosting level.

2. Performance

The more resources means more performance. Shared hosting is only as performance your host implemented for speed. However, with VPS, you have more control over the performance factors. With any shared plan, other websites could affect your website’s performance. However, if your performance demands are limited and you value ease of maintenance, shared hosting will likely yield a higher return on investment. It’s no surprise that VPS hosting offers better overall performance based on the bandwidth it offers users. You’ll gain more flexibility to configure your applications on the server, but you’ll need to make sure you have a dedicated system administrator to keep the server running smoothly. If you have high traffic demands or multiple sites to manage, VPS will be the better option.

3. Security

While sharing server resources presents huge benefits from a cost point of view, it can wreak havoc on the security end of things. It depends on how much the hosting provider has invested (both operational/team and purely financial resources) in ensuring dedicated protection for its shared hosting customers. Shared hosting can be considered very safe. However, be aware that security breaches can occur simply because a common server guarantees 100% security. The main reason is when one shared hosting customer makes a mistake or experience technical difficulty. This likely impacts to other sites because you are all sharing space on the same machine. Customer support will likely also be limited compared with VPS hosting. However, if your site won’t require sensitive personal information from users, you shouldn’t have an issue with shared hosting. You can ensure your site’s security with more robust safety features that are only available through VPS hosting. If your budget allows, you can implement better customer support services that will assist patrons when they need it. If your business needs to protect personal data, it’s worth considering the upgrade to a VPS.

4. Pricing

Pricing for web hosting is a funny thing. You can easily find yourself paying more on shared hosting and absolutely hate the piss-poor service, or you could pay less for VPS  and never look back. Those are extreme scenarios, of course, but hopefully, you catch my drift. With shared hosting, you defray the expenses associated with running and maintaining a server because you’re sharing server space with thousands of other websites. From a pure price point, shared hosting is the most economical choice and is a great option for those looking to host a site with standard functionality. As with any paid service, a more expensive plan offers more premium features, and the same rings true for VPS hosting. If you want to improve your website’s performance, VPS hosting will give you better customization and performance options than shared hosting.

5. Server Administration

Shared hosts handle the hardware for you. You’re responsible for managing your VPS — unless you choose a host that handles server monitoring, bug fixes, and security patches for you. If you choose to host your website on a shared server, there is little to no technical maintenance of the server required on your end. That means you can enjoy basic server administration for your website at no additional cost to your budget or your precious time. For many, this is a huge plus as no dedicated system administrator is needed. VPS-hosted websites are often more complex in terms of resource management and therefore will usually require a specific system administrator to focus on maintaining the server. The tradeoff is that you’ll be able to customize your site and configure whatever applications and software you want while increasing performance and security.

6. Scalability

The scalability factor is the tipping point for the shared-vs-virtual server debacle. If your site sees or is expected to see roughly 30,000 monthly visitors, a shared host can accommodate you and your site’s hosting needs. Much more than that and you might start receiving internal errors from your host. You’ll then need to consider a VPS or dedicated plan, and a VPS can handle any amount of traffic. While shared hosting is a great option for the short-term, you might face scalability issues, in the long run, depending on how your website grows. If you find you’re maxing out your storage capabilities, or if user demand is exceeding server space, you may need to consider scaling up to eke out better performance. The customizable features of VPS hosting allow you to scale more quickly and easily. If you predict you’ll eventually need to scale up on the fly to meet demand, the investment in VPS hosting now may pay off in the future.

In Narrowcloud Solution we have offered you a better web hosting with a better price. Once you have considered to select whether shared hosting or VPS hosting, you can visit our store at narrowhost.

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