What Equipment Should Have For Product Photography?

Written by Zafri Samad

On May 18, 2021

In the rapidly evolving landscape of packaging, businesses are increasingly turning to web-to-print solutions to meet their diverse needs. BungkusGo, a prominent player in this space, exemplifies the transformative power of web-to-print technology. Specializing in customizable, eco-friendly packaging for the food and beverage industry, BungkusGo has successfully integrated digital innovation with traditional printing methods to offer superior services to its clients.

The Power of Web-to-Print Technology at BungkusGo

Customizable Packaging Solutions

BungkusGo leverages web-to-print technology to offer a vast array of customizable packaging options. Their platform allows businesses to design and personalize packaging materials such as paper cups, lunch boxes, and bowls. Users can select from pre-designed templates or upload their unique artwork, ensuring their brand is prominently displayed on high-quality packaging.

User-Friendly Online Platform

Central to BungkusGo’s service is their intuitive web-to-print technology platform. This digital tool is designed to be user-friendly, enabling customers to navigate the design and ordering process with ease. Features like real-time design previews and an accessible interface across multiple devices, including desktops and smartphones, make the experience seamless and efficient.

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

Key Features of BungkusGo’s Web-to-Print Technology Service

  1. Extensive Product Range

BungkusGo offers a comprehensive selection of packaging products, catering to various business needs. This extensive range ensures that companies can find the perfect packaging solutions tailored to their specific requirements.

  1. High-Quality Printing

Utilizing advanced printing technology, BungkusGo guarantees high-resolution, vibrant print quality on all packaging products. This attention to detail ensures that brand logos and designs are displayed crisply and professionally.

  1. User-Friendly Online Platform

BungkusGo’s web-to-print platform is designed for ease of use, allowing customers to design and order their packaging online with minimal effort. The platform offers features like real-time proofing and professional design assistance to ensure that the final product meets client expectations.

  1. Secure Payment Options

BungkusGo offers multiple secure payment options, providing customers with peace of mind when making transactions online. This feature supports various payment methods, catering to diverse business preferences.

  1. Custom Order Quantities

Unlike traditional printing services that may require large minimum order quantities, BungkusGo allows customers to order in smaller, more flexible quantities. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for small businesses or those testing new packaging designs.

Benefits of Using BungkusGo’s Web-to-Print Technology Services

  1. Brand Consistency

By offering customizable packaging solutions, BungkusGo enables businesses to maintain consistent branding across all packaging materials. This uniformity enhances brand recognition and customer loyalty.

  1. Scalability

BungkusGo’s flexible order quantities allow businesses to scale their packaging needs according to demand. This adaptability helps manage costs effectively, especially during periods of fluctuating sales.

  1. Market Responsiveness

The fast turnaround times offered by BungkusGo enable businesses to respond quickly to market trends and consumer preferences. This agility allows companies to introduce new products or update packaging designs rapidly.

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience

High-quality, attractive packaging enhances the overall customer experience. With BungkusGo’s professional printing and durable materials, businesses can impress customers with premium packaging that reflects the quality of the product inside.

  1. Operational Efficiency

By automating the design and ordering process, BungkusGo reduces the administrative burden on businesses. This efficiency frees up resources and time, allowing companies to focus on core activities such as marketing and product development.

  1. Cost Savings

The ability to order custom quantities and reduce waste due to precise ordering leads to significant cost savings. Additionally, streamlined processes and reduced manual labor contribute to lower operational costs.

Integrate Your Printing Business With Web-to-Print

Our Web-to-Print eCommerce Solutions with the designer studio, order management & many more features enable your print job to be accomplished faster and easier.


BungkusGo’s adoption of web-to-print technology has significantly enhanced its service offerings, making it a leader in the customizable packaging industry. The company’s commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction is evident through its innovative platform and diverse product range. Businesses looking to streamline their packaging processes, achieve brand consistency, and meet sustainability goals can greatly benefit from BungkusGo’s web-to-print solutions. As BungkusGo continues to innovate and expand, it remains a trusted partner for all packaging needs, delivering exceptional value and convenience to its clients.

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Having eCommerce requires having basic skills in product photography, even if you don’t have a professional background in photography. In today’s online world, product photography is an essential element in displaying what your online business offers for consumers.

Without product photography, conversion is nearly impossible, since it is the only link your customers have to know what are you offering.

Product photography isn’t as simple as shooting your products randomly. To produce a quality image, you need to have proper equipment, lighting, and space. A good photo will catch the attention of potential customers, increase buyer interactions, spread brand awareness, and increase customer trust.

It sounds like you need a big budget to get all the equipment and kind of pricey. Believe it or not, you can easily find the cheap one on eCommerce platform. Not only that, to save more on your budget, you can custom or DIY on certain equipment. 

Before we dive more into the equipment and tools needed for your product photography, it is important to know the types of product photography for eCommerce. You need to know what kind of image you can use on your product page and across your marketing channels.

The type of eCommerce product photography

Before you decide what gear you should get and starting your photoshoots, you need to know the two main types of product photography if you’re a beginner.

1. Product-only photo

Usually, this type of product photography is taken on a white background to show off your product in the best light. It is to make sure you create a consistent look across your product line.

When place on your product page, this photo should include your featured product in the picture.

It might seem like two or three product shots are more than enough, but it’s best to have a dozen of photos with different angles. Later, you can pick which best photo can place on your product page.

2. In-context or lifestyle photo

In-context or lifestyle photos allow you a lot more creative freedom with your product. You can do the photoshoot anywhere you want, indoor or outdoor, or find a setting that suits your brand’s voice.

This product photography is used to create a visual story, to show how your products are being used or worn. Then your customers can decide if the item meets their needs as they are focusing on just the product.

Normally, these images work best for social media, blog posts, email, and other marketing channels at the top of the conversion funnel. But lately, there is a trend to use them in the product pages, put together with product-only photos on the product page.

Basic product photography equipment you’ll need

Now in your mind, you can imagine what kind of photo suitable for your product. So, here the tools or equipment you’ll need for the product photography.

1. Camera

You don’t need to waste a lot of money on a crazy camera setup. Shooting with a high-end camera that offering many functions and settings is awesome, but it’s also unnecessary.

Although you have a big budget to buy the latest camera model, doing some research and finding tips is a must. You can join a Facebook group, or joining a forum on Reddit, or asking at Quora seeking tips on picking a good camera for product photography.

If all you have is your smartphone, that’s okay too. Nowadays smartphone has a high-end camera features and some models it’s comparable with a professional camera. Even mid-range budget smartphone has offered the best camera features.

2. Tripod

To ensure consistency across your products, you’ll need a tripod. Tripods bring consistency, stability, and focus.

It is easy to end up with blurry images when you try to get your entire product in focus while holding your camera in your hand without moving.

If a tripod is beyond your budget, experiment with using a pile of books or a stool to make a camera stand. However, don’t worry, there is a bunch of cheap tripods under RM20 on Shopee or Lazada.

3. White background

When taking product-only photos, light colour backgrounds are necessary since they simplify the editing process. A white backdrop is ideal when retouching your images.

There are lots of options for a white background and if you’re going to be shooting a lot, you may want to get a white sweep from an online store. Choose white sweep paper rather than white cloth because once dirty you just need to rip it.

Using a sweep can capture a perfect white background with no corners or blemishes. Typically, a sweep takes the form of a large, bendable piece of paper that bends up into a white wall behind your product.

Another option to keep your budget is to buy some poster board or “mahjong paper” at an art store near you. Then, remember to look for pure white as it is a lot easier to doing retouch.

4. Lighting

The quality of on image is affected by the amount of light present. It’s hard to get the lighting right, but when it’s done properly, the result is beautiful and your post-processing will be significantly simplified.

Setting up the lighting for product photography has two options: natural light or studio light.

  •    Natural light

If you have a tight budget you can go for natural light. For small-scale in-house products, it’s much easier to handle and you’ll get plenty more done in less time. Just place your shooting table near the window that allows lots of light into the room.

Place a cloth or white paper over the window if the light is too harsh. If you got a harsh shadow, there is a trick where use white foam board or cardboard around the object to help reflect some light and soften it. To get the most light, shoot at the brightest time of the day.

  •    Studio light

For those who have more budget, you might be able to use this option. Studio lighting offers more control over your entire shoot, especially if you plan to shoot multiple products over several hours.

You also might be able to get the softbox’s light setup. Using a softbox can control the shape and direction of light and prevent more light from occurring. The rectangular shape of the softbox has the advantage of being able to produce natural-looking light by mimicking the shape of a window.

Get two softboxes if you can. One of the lights should serve as your key light, and the other as your fill light or backlight, depending on your desired results.

If you still want to do product photography with studio light but don’t have enough budget to buy a softbox, there is still another way. Just need creativity and DIY your very own softbox.

5. Table

For the table, there is no specific table size you need. Use any table you have, but make sure it big enough to place your product items.

6. Editing software

So, editing software is the last part of the equipment you need for product photography. For this part, you need to have basic skills in editing and need to do many experiments on your selected images.

But, don’t you worry because there is a bunch of editing software that free and easy to use for beginners. If you don’t have a computer or laptop, a lot of editing apps have offered for smartphones. Plus, most of them are free to use.

If you interest in making an e-commerce website, just email me to [email protected] and I’ll get back to you to discuss. You also can look and play around with our e-commerce demo.

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