Why Do You Need Off-Site Backup For Business

Written by Zafri Samad

On July 5, 2022

In the rapidly evolving landscape of packaging, businesses are increasingly turning to web-to-print solutions to meet their diverse needs. BungkusGo, a prominent player in this space, exemplifies the transformative power of web-to-print technology. Specializing in customizable, eco-friendly packaging for the food and beverage industry, BungkusGo has successfully integrated digital innovation with traditional printing methods to offer superior services to its clients.

The Power of Web-to-Print Technology at BungkusGo

Customizable Packaging Solutions

BungkusGo leverages web-to-print technology to offer a vast array of customizable packaging options. Their platform allows businesses to design and personalize packaging materials such as paper cups, lunch boxes, and bowls. Users can select from pre-designed templates or upload their unique artwork, ensuring their brand is prominently displayed on high-quality packaging.

User-Friendly Online Platform

Central to BungkusGo’s service is their intuitive web-to-print technology platform. This digital tool is designed to be user-friendly, enabling customers to navigate the design and ordering process with ease. Features like real-time design previews and an accessible interface across multiple devices, including desktops and smartphones, make the experience seamless and efficient.

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Key Features of BungkusGo’s Web-to-Print Technology Service

  1. Extensive Product Range

BungkusGo offers a comprehensive selection of packaging products, catering to various business needs. This extensive range ensures that companies can find the perfect packaging solutions tailored to their specific requirements.

  1. High-Quality Printing

Utilizing advanced printing technology, BungkusGo guarantees high-resolution, vibrant print quality on all packaging products. This attention to detail ensures that brand logos and designs are displayed crisply and professionally.

  1. User-Friendly Online Platform

BungkusGo’s web-to-print platform is designed for ease of use, allowing customers to design and order their packaging online with minimal effort. The platform offers features like real-time proofing and professional design assistance to ensure that the final product meets client expectations.

  1. Secure Payment Options

BungkusGo offers multiple secure payment options, providing customers with peace of mind when making transactions online. This feature supports various payment methods, catering to diverse business preferences.

  1. Custom Order Quantities

Unlike traditional printing services that may require large minimum order quantities, BungkusGo allows customers to order in smaller, more flexible quantities. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for small businesses or those testing new packaging designs.

Benefits of Using BungkusGo’s Web-to-Print Technology Services

  1. Brand Consistency

By offering customizable packaging solutions, BungkusGo enables businesses to maintain consistent branding across all packaging materials. This uniformity enhances brand recognition and customer loyalty.

  1. Scalability

BungkusGo’s flexible order quantities allow businesses to scale their packaging needs according to demand. This adaptability helps manage costs effectively, especially during periods of fluctuating sales.

  1. Market Responsiveness

The fast turnaround times offered by BungkusGo enable businesses to respond quickly to market trends and consumer preferences. This agility allows companies to introduce new products or update packaging designs rapidly.

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience

High-quality, attractive packaging enhances the overall customer experience. With BungkusGo’s professional printing and durable materials, businesses can impress customers with premium packaging that reflects the quality of the product inside.

  1. Operational Efficiency

By automating the design and ordering process, BungkusGo reduces the administrative burden on businesses. This efficiency frees up resources and time, allowing companies to focus on core activities such as marketing and product development.

  1. Cost Savings

The ability to order custom quantities and reduce waste due to precise ordering leads to significant cost savings. Additionally, streamlined processes and reduced manual labor contribute to lower operational costs.

Integrate Your Printing Business With Web-to-Print

Our Web-to-Print eCommerce Solutions with the designer studio, order management & many more features enable your print job to be accomplished faster and easier.


BungkusGo’s adoption of web-to-print technology has significantly enhanced its service offerings, making it a leader in the customizable packaging industry. The company’s commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction is evident through its innovative platform and diverse product range. Businesses looking to streamline their packaging processes, achieve brand consistency, and meet sustainability goals can greatly benefit from BungkusGo’s web-to-print solutions. As BungkusGo continues to innovate and expand, it remains a trusted partner for all packaging needs, delivering exceptional value and convenience to its clients.

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Modern businesses understand that there may be a malfunction in storing information, so they back up their data to protect it. The loss of important data can be recovered if the hardware, software, etc. are damaged.

Any business, no matter the size, needs to have an off-site backup as part of its disaster recovery plan (DPR). Having an off-site backup solution also provides economy, flexibility, and portability. Regardless of how dire the situation may be, they can support your business continuity.

What is Off-Site Backup?

Off-site backup is the duplication of the data to a server which is stored in a different geographic location than the production systems site. The two most common forms when using off-site backup are cloud backup and tape backup.

It is also known as an off-site data backup or off-site data protection, but the latter’s focus is on the process of securing an off-site data backup facility.

Difference Between Off-Site and On-Site 

On-site storage involves regularly storing data on local storage devices (hard drives, DVDs, magnetic tapes, etc.). Off-site storage requires you to store your data remotely (usually by using cloud backup).

On-site backup provides faster recovery than off-site backup. You can restore your data from a local disk backup if your employees accidentally delete important files. Off-site backups using the cloud can also restore a single file almost instantly.

When restoring all the backup data in the cloud can take time and it depends on your company’s internet bandwidth. On the other hand, on-site backup by using physical hardware doesn’t require any internet connection.

However, your entire onsite data storage might be destroyed and lost in the event of a catastrophe. That can cause on-site servers to lose all of your save data. While off-site data can be accessed from anywhere and is protected against catastrophic on-site events.

Benefits of Off-Site Backup

Many benefits you will get when using off-site backup. The advantages you will get are:

Disaster Recovery

Usually, businesses use off-site backup data to protect their data from natural or man-made disasters. Off-site data backup ensures that the data remain safe in case there is a fire, earthquake or flood that possible to destroy the hardware because the data is not located on the premise. 


Off-site data backup tends to be more secure and reliable than traditional methods. In case your company is targeted by a ransomware attack, your production data and on-site backups can be compromised. It is safe from cyber-attacks and can be used to restore your backup data since it is often disconnected from main networks.

Lower Expenses Costs

Backing up your data using cloud backup can be less expensive than maintaining an on-premises backup. The cloud eliminated the need for your company to purchase and maintain hardware and software. As part of your subscription fee, your provider undertakes updates and data protection services.

Access Data from Anywhere

Access your backed-up data from anywhere at any time with an internet connection. Restoring full backup data from the cloud can take time, it depends on your internet bandwidth – the higher the faster. However, you can download just a few files you want from the cloud and it is easy and simple.

Improved Security

Usually, cloud providers follow the best practices when come to cybersecurity. That’s why many small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) subscribed to cloud service providers because it is secure and reliable. Plus, a lot of SMBs do not have enough budget to hire cyber security experts.

Off-Site Backup Best Practice

Offsite backup can become the last hope for business if a disaster happens at the premise. So, please learn the best practice to handle off-site backup to avoid many mistakes when using it. Here are some of the best practices you can implement when using off-site backup:

Do both manual and automatic backup

Even though software backup has automatic backup features, there is probably your backup may go wrong. You somehow need at least some way to monitor your backup process. To make sure your data is safe, you need to perform a manual backup where you can backup the important files you want.

Plan your storage expenses

Knowing the right storage you need is very important before choosing the right off-site backup solution. You need to estimate your data size and also need to predict how much you will use. Underestimating your data size may leave you with incomplete backups, while overestimating may cause you to pay more and waste the expenses.

Use a reliable connection and a high data transmission speed

The off-site backup process is heavily dependent on network speed, the high internet bandwidth makes the backup process more quickly. However, you need to pay more to the network service provider to get a high-speed network. Even though you need to pay more on network, but it with to pay because the work productivity will also increase.

Use services that offer configurable schedulling

A lot of services nowadays are capable of offering various scheduling options and features that take this burden away from you. It is possible to perform backup scheduling by yourself, but there are some cases you’ll face an unnecessary risk like one failed backup would bring down the entire chain with it. 

Drawing Conclusion:

When deciding between off-site backup and on-site backup, consider all of its possible factors. Check your business’ needs and the long-term implications of both choices. Each type of business automation has benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, you will get control over your business. It all varies depending on your specific wants and tastes.

If you are interested in Off-Site Backup for your company, Narrowcloud is the choice for storing important data for your businesses. Do check out Narrowcloud – we have a lot to offer to increase the security of your data.

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